

Heart Care During Cancer Treatment

Cardio-oncology focuses on the overlap between heart health and cancer treatment.

Increased longevity exposes people to more cancer risk as they age. And while some therapies effectively treat cancer, some treatments lead to poor cardiovascular outcomes, including heart failure. Fortunately, the survival of patients with cancer has dramatically improved over the past 30 years with the introduction of new therapeutic agents. As a result, there is an impressive increase in the number of cancer survivors and in 2020 it is expected that there will be over 18 million in the United States according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Northside Hospital Cardiovascular Institute takes an integrated and comprehensive approach that involves specialists who:

  • assess the cardiovascular health of cancer patients before treatment
  • optimize the management of pre-existing cardiac diseases
  • decrease the cardiovascular complications during and after cancer therapy

Our specialists ensure that our patients receive the best care for their cardiovascular health. Trust your heart to Northside.

Find the Northside Hospital Cardiovascular Institute cardiologist that’s right for you.

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